QuickBooks Error 5502

QuickBooks Error 5502 | Simple Solutions To Fix This Error

In contrast to the online version, QuickBooks Desktop stores all of its data in a local file called “Company.” While storing the company’s files locally is beneficial, one of the most significant ways to protect the data from specific risks is to have a backup on the cloud.

However, occasionally, problems arise, such as errors when syncing the data or opening the company file. QuickBooks error 5502 is one such error we will discuss in this article. You will have a thorough understanding of the reasons behind error code 5502 and the steps you must take to fix it at the end of this article quickly.

What Is QuickBooks Error 5502?

The error code 5502 can limit access to the company file and occurs during the sync process. This issue occurs when you attempt to upload your QB data to the Intuit servers, but the server does not respond. Also, when the sync manager is not working, this issue occurs.

The screen displays QuickBooks error code 5502, which reads, “Sync is not completed properly.” Unfortunately, when users work with their QuickBooks accounting software, they may encounter error code 5502, which appears on their desktop and indicates that the QB data has been uploaded but cannot connect to the server. Some events cause this error code and message.

Consequently, let’s learn more about this QuickBooks desktop error, such as how it triggers and what causes it to occur. Let’s briefly discuss the following information. 

Causes of error code 5502 in QuickBooks desktop

The most frequent causes of error 5502 in QuickBooks Desktop, aside from occasional problems with the Intuit servers, are listed below.

  1. Error code 5502 may occur because of corruption in the folder containing the company’s file.
  2. If the .ND and .TLG files, which are essential for some QuickBooks functions, are damaged.
  3. If the system is not running the database server manager.
  4. If the sync manager is not using the latest Intuit updates,
  5. If the QuickBooks Desktop installation needs to be repaired entirely due to corruption.
  6. When certain necessary QuickBooks operations become unresponsive.
  7. The most recent updates, essential for optimal operation, may be missing from your QuickBooks Desktop application. 

These factors were shown to be potential causes of Intuit error code 5502. The following section of this article will examine some common symptoms you may experience before receiving QuickBooks error 5502.

Symptoms you might notice before getting QuickBooks error 5502

One or more signs may be present just before error 5502 in QuickBooks.

  • The error message “QuickBooks Error 5502” will appear on the screen.
  • The system’s running apps will begin to crash.
  • While using it, QuickBooks freeze or shut down repeatedly.
  • Your computer’s performance will deteriorate.
  • When attempting to connect to the server, QuickBooks stops working or crashes.

You may run across QuickBooks error code 5502 if you are also experiencing any of the symptoms above. You can, however, prevent and cure the error like an expert with the help of the solutions listed in the article’s following part.

Now, after getting through all the causes and symptoms, you can learn about the occurrence of error 5502 in QuickBooks. However, knowing this much would not be enough, as one must be familiar with the troubleshooting steps and the way in which it could be eliminated is the main thing to do. So let’s discuss all the solutions one by one:

Solutions To Eliminate Error Code 5502 In QuickBooks Desktop?

The following list includes some of the best methods for getting rid of QuickBooks error 5502.

Solution 1: Create a new folder and copy your company file into it

We can remove the chance that error 5502 would arise from corruption in the business file folder by relocating the company file to a separate folder. QuickBooks (QB) automatically saves the company file to the following directory by default:  C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\yourcompanyfile.qbw. To fix QuickBooks error 5502, relocate the company file to a new folder and follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to the company file’s current location to get started.
  • Simply right-click on the file & choose the “Copy” option.
  • Move the file to the new location you have selected.
  • Click right on an open space in the new place and choose Paste.
  • Now, launch the QuickBooks application on your PC.
  • Choose Open / restore an existing company from the main menu, then select Open a company file.
  • To continue, click Next, which will launch a new window.
  • Go to the new location where you copied the company file within this window.
  • Click Open after selecting the file.
  • Now, your company file will show up on the QuickBooks login screen.

Following these instructions can fix QuickBooks error code 5502, allowing you to move your QuickBooks company file and access it from a different directory. 

Solution 2: Rename the QuickBooks .TLG and .ND files

TLG and ND files are among the most crucial program files that provide network or multi-user access to enterprise files. If these files become damaged or corrupted, error 5502 may appear when synchronizing or opening a company file. Changing the name of these files will cause QuickBooks to generate new ones, which may eventually assist in fixing the issue.

Rename the QuickBooks .TLG and .ND files

  • Access the folder containing the company file. C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files is the default location.
  • Find the files with the extensions that have the identical name as your QuickBooks company file .TLG and ND. Company_file.qbw.nd and company_file.qbw.tlg are examples.
  • To rename the.nd/.tlg file, right-click on it, and choose Rename. After adding some text, such as “.old,” after the file extension, press Enter. Company_file.qbw.nd.OLD and company_file.qbw.tlg.OLD are two examples.

Proceed to another troubleshooting step if the QuickBooks error 5502 continues to appear on your system.

Solution 3: Utilize the QuickBooks database server manager

QB Database Server Manager facilitates multiple users’ network access to company files. If you are experiencing error 5502 when attempting to access the company file in multi-user mode, you can fix it by running QB database server manager.

Utilize the QuickBooks database server manager

  • Open QB Desktop on your server PC to get started.
  • Select Open or Restore Company from the File menu in QuickBooks Desktop.
  • Choose Open a company file, then find the company file you’re looking for.
  • Click Next after that.
  • Click Open after checking the box labeled “Open file in multi-user mode.”
  • Enter your login information to access your company file.
  • Return to the File menu now, and choose Close Company/Log off.
  • By doing this, the company file on your computer’s system will be closed.
  • Next, navigate to the server system’s Windows Start menu.
  • In the search bar, type “Database,” then choose it from the results list. Navigate to the program’s Scan Folders tab.
  • Choose the folders containing your company’s files (QBW) by clicking on Browse.
  • Click OK to ensure that you have selected the correct directories.
  • Press Scan to begin the scanning procedure when you’re ready.

To see if QuickBooks error 5502 has been fixed, try syncing again or opening a company file after the scan is finished. If not, try using the instructions in the following solution to update the sync manager.

Solution 4: Uninstall and reinstall QuickBooks application

Uninstall QuickBooks

You may uninstall and reinstall the QuickBooks application to resolve this issue. A new installation guarantees no remaining installation problems that can cause QuickBooks error codes like 5502 when attempting to access or sync the company’s file.

  • This procedure starts with the QuickBooks application being uninstalled.
  • The installation folders, which are located in the following locations, must then be renamed.
  1. C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
  2. C:\Users\(current user)\AppData\Local\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
  3. C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
  4. 64-bit version C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks (year)
  • After that, you have to download and reinstall QuickBooks.Reinstall Quickbooks

You should also update QuickBooks Desktop regularly to prevent QuickBooks error 5502.

Solution 5: Update the sync manager

An outdated sync manager is another cause of issues when syncing the QB data. As a result, you must update your sync manager by doing the things listed below.

  • Open the system tray of programs and locate Intuit Sync Manager.
  • Take note of the companies on the list & select each one individually.
  • Click on Sync Enabled, then select an option to disable it.
  • Repeat these steps for each of the listed companies.
  • Once the preceding step is complete, navigate to the Help section.
  • Under Manage Data Sync, select Clear Sync Settings.Update the sync manager
  • To confirm your selections, click OK.
  • This will clear all of your previously set settings.
  • Now close the QuickBooks Desktop program.
  • Additionally, exit the sync manager via your computer tray.
  • Find the sync manager file in the directory below, then give it a new name:

C drive > Users > Local > Intuit > Sync Manager > App Data.

  • After adding. Old to the file name, save the changes.
  • Once the Intuit Sync Manager is updated, confirm that error 5502 has been resolved.

Solution 6: Get the latest QuickBooks desktop update

Installing the most recent QuickBooks Desktop updates removes the chance of error 5502 due to program issues. Follow the below steps to install the most recent Intuit QuickBooks Desktop updates.

Get the latest QuickBooks desktop update

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop and pick the Update QB Desktop tab under the Help menu.
  • Next, select the “Get Updates” option under the Update Now menu.
  • Restart QuickBooks when the updates have finished downloading, then select Install Now when prompted.

QuickBooks error 5502 may be effectively addressed if all these steps are followed correctly.

Turning on automatic updates can significantly reduce hassle.

  1. Click the Update QuickBooks tab after selecting the Help Menu in QuickBooks.
  2. Next, choose Automatic Updates under Options.
  3. Choose “yes.”
  4. After selecting Apply Changes, click Save & Confirm.

Solution 7: Terminate QuickBooks core processes using the task manager

Terminate QuickBooks core processes using task manager

Stopping the program’s central processes and resuming them will refresh the entire process and resolve QuickBooks error 5502.

  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  • Then, pick the Processes icon and perform the right-click action on each of the following processes:
  1. QBDBMgrn.exe
  2. QBW32.exe
  3. QBCFMonitorService.exe
  • Choose the End Task option to restart QuickBooks when all processes have been successfully stopped.

To see if refreshing the processes resolves error 5502, try syncing again and accessing the company file in QuickBooks.


To prevent QuickBooks error 5502, we covered its causes and symptoms in addition to its fixes in this post. Therefore, before reading this article, you might not have been as familiar with this issue and might have been searching for the most complete set of solutions to fix it. However, if you follow all the instructions correctly, your questions and concerns will be answered, and you will feel more confident.

Therefore, the information in the article above will be helpful to you. However, if you still require assistance or direction, please do not hesitate to contact QuickBooks desktop support or our team of professionals directly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is QuickBooks sync manager?

The QuickBooks Sync Manager makes it easy for users to create and manage duplicate QuickBooks data files, making it easier to access data from a single database.

Q2. How Can I Fix QuickBooks Pro Error 5502?

QuickBooks error 5502 can be fixed in a few different ways:

  1. Rename the .ND file.
  2. Transfer the company’s files.
  3. Update QuickBooks Desktop and Sync Manager.

Q3. Which is the most crucial method for troubleshooting error 5502?

You should update the sync manager by logging in as an administrator. Then, complete the process before rebooting the computer to implement the changes.

Q4. What is QuickBooks error 5502?

Your user account is not fully synchronized with the client-server, according to QuickBooks error 5502. When this happens, the output is error 5502.

Q5. How can I resolve a QuickBooks company file that won’t open?

To resolve it, the steps are given below:

  1. Verify your file type and update QuickBooks.
  2. When you exit QuickBooks, don’t save the desktop.
  3. Turn off your workstation’s hosting.
  4. Launch a sample company file.
  5. Moving your company file.