QuickBooks error 3180

Fix QuickBooks Error 3180 While Saving A Sales Receipt

QuickBooks users encounter this error when attempting to save a sales receipt, as well as during data security processes. Hence, we will thoroughly examine QuickBooks error 3180. QuickBooks is widely recognized as the leading bookkeeping and accounting software. Intuit has frequently updated the software to adhere to evolving accounting rules and policies. However, these regular updates and new versions add complexity, leading users to confront QuickBooks error code 3180.

What Is QuickBooks Error 3180?

What Is QuickBooks Error 3180

Error 3180 in QuickBooks can occur during transactions between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Point of Sale. This 3000-series error may interrupt users with error messages. Let’s explore how to resolve this issue smoothly. You might encounter QuickBooks error code 3180 while using QuickBooks Desktop, POS, or Payroll. In this article, we will analyze the different causes of this error and discuss relevant troubleshooting methods.

Causes for QuickBooks Error 3180

Error code 3180 in QuickBooks can arise from various issues. This error may occur if the QB company file is damaged or corrupted or if there are problems with the account mapping of the tax payable account for sales.

  • If you create a paid-out for the sales tax payable account. 
  • If your sales tax payable account has become the designated account for additional items on receipts.
  • If there is an issue with a payment item, whether it’s incorrect or damaged.
  • The antivirus software on the system may occasionally cause problems and complications.
  • There could be a possibility that a damaged or corrupted QuickBooks company file is the root of this issue.
  • Errors or misconfigurations in QuickBooks settings regarding tax forms and sales tax include the following:
  • Issues with QuickBooks installation could cause errors in time tracking. 
  • Problems within the Windows registry might also contribute to this issue. 
  • Your antivirus software may be blocking specific QuickBooks features. 
  • The vendor expense settings are not configured correctly. 
  • Sales tax items in QuickBooks Desktop are not adequately associated with vendors. 
  • “Paid-out” transactions were recorded using the sales tax payable account. 
  • There is a misconfiguration in the mapping of the sales tax payable account. 
  • The sales tax payable account serves as the target for receipt items.

Symptoms of the QuickBooks Error 3180

QuickBooks users may encounter symptoms that signal QuickBooks Error Code 3180 error when saving a bill.

  • Users encounter difficulties when trying to save their sales receipts.
  • They might struggle with keyboard and mouse commands, leading to issues with receiving prompt responses.
  • If you notice that your windows begin to operate slowly, hindering other tasks or applications as well.
  • There’s a likelihood that QuickBooks and QuickBooks POS could crash or close unexpectedly.
  • The system may respond sluggishly to user inputs.
  • Users find it challenging to save the sales receipt.
  • QuickBooks Desktop may unexpectedly shut down.

Fixing the QuickBooks Error 3180 Messages

The QuickBooks POS error 3180 might appear in the following ways on a user’s screen and lead to the following issues. Users can address these issues using the suggested methods below or the general troubleshooting guidelines provided at the end. There are five types of QuickBooks Error 3180. Let’s check them out, along with the methods to fix them:

Problem with Saving the General Journal Transaction

You might encounter QuickBooks error code 3180 in QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks POS. This appears alongside the error message, “There was a problem with saving the General Journal Transaction.” The error can arise from several reasons:

  • A damaged voucher can lead to the QuickBooks POS error 3180.
  • The displayed mapped account for item sales is incorrect.
  • Items are associated with an inactive account.
  • If the account is deleted, it may also trigger the QuickBooks error code 3180 when saving a bill.

To fix the error, recreate the voucher and then verify the accounts. Please follow the steps outlined below:

  • You must reverse the voucher. 
  • Recreate it accurately, then execute the financial exchange.
  • To verify the accounts, navigate to the Home page and choose Sales History. 
  • Examine all impacted items and take note of them. 
  • Then, navigate to Home, followed by Item List and Edit. 
  • Confirm that the account mapping is correctly configured under the QuickBooks option. 
  • Also, verify that the impacted accounts are active. 
  • Finally, click the Save button, then proceed with the financial exchange.
Read More: Fix QuickBooks Error 3180 While Saving A Sales Receipt

The Posting Account is Invalid

You might see the error message Status code 3180: QuickBooks error: The Posting account is invalid. This happens if an incorrect QuickBooks Desktop account type is chosen during account mapping POS. You can fix the issue by adjusting the accounts in both POS and QuickBooks Desktop. Here are the steps to follow:

For QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale

  • Navigate to the File menu and choose Preferences. 
  • Then, click on Company and select Accounts from the Financial section. 
  • Ensure that both the Basic and Advanced tabs are checked and that accounts are accurately mapped. 
  • Finally, press the Save button and initiate the financial exchange.

For QuickBooks Desktop

  • Choose the Item List from the List menu. 
  • Make sure to verify that all items in the list are assigned to the correct account. 
  • Execute the Financial exchange.

Renaming and reestablishing each financial method

  • When you open QuickBooks Desktop, go to the Lists menu.
  • Select the option for Customer & Vendor Profile Lists here.
  • Next, select the Payment Method List button.
  • Right-click on the Cash method and select Edit Payment Method.
  • Add the letter X to the Payment Method Field, which will display as (XCash), then select OK.
  • Next, right-click the Cash method once more and choose New.
  • Retain its name as Cash and commence operating the financial exchange.
  • If you find it essential, follow the same steps for all payment methods to ensure they are renamed and recreated.
Read More: How To Resolve QuickBooks Server Busy Error Easily

Sales Tax Detail Line must have a Vendor

Sales Tax Detail Line must have a Vendor

When you attempt to save a Sales Receipt (or Credit Memo), you might encounter the error message stating, “QuickBooks error: Sales tax detail line must have a vendor.” Let’s explore the reasons behind the QuickBooks error 3180:

  • If there is no vendor associated with the sales taxation item, the representation for the sales taxation payable account will be incorrect. 
  • This is especially true if any receipt items are designated to the sales taxation payable account. 
  • Additionally, issues arise when the sales tax payable account is utilized to process a payout.

To fix the error, you should follow these steps to assign a vendor to the sales tax item:

  • Access the Lists menu in your QuickBooks Desktop application.
  • Choose the Item List option.
  • Opt for the Include Inactive option, then navigate to the Type header.
  • Verify that each sales tax item is linked to a tax agency.

Now you need to check the tax preference in your QuickBooks POS through the following steps:

  • Select Preferences by clicking on File. 
  • In the Financial section, click on Company and then Accounts. 
  • Ensure that both the Basic and Advanced tabs show that QuickBooks sales tax payable is set to Only in the sales tax row. 
  • If any entries are not listed as Only, update them accordingly, and then proceed to run the financial exchange.

Then, verify that the problem receipt does not result in a sales tax payable payout:

  • To access the Sales History in QuickBooks Point of Sale, start by opening the program.  
  • Then, right-click on any column header and select the Customize Columns option
  • Make sure to include the QuickBooks status in your selection. 
  • Next, look for receipts that are still pending completion. 
  • If any of these receipts have been processed against the sales tax payable, select the receipt and click on the Reverse receipt option. 
  • Afterward, recreate the payment using a non-sales tax payable account and proceed with the financial exchange. 

There was an Error while Saving a Sales Receipt

Users may face this QuickBooks error code due to damaged payment items or incorrect item types during a financial exchange. To resolve this issue, the following troubleshooting methods should be applied:

  • Launch QuickBooks Desktop and navigate to the Lists menu.
  • Select Item List and click the Include Inactive icon.
  • Sort the list by clicking the Type header.
  • Next, rename the Point of Sale payment items by following these steps:
    • Right-click on the payment item that starts with POS.
    • Select the Edit items option.
    • Add OLD to the payment item’s name. For example, change it to OLD POS Visa Credit Card.
    • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Finally, run the financial exchange from your Point of Sale.

Additionally, you must consolidate the duplicated items in QuickBooks Desktop as follows:

  • Right-click the payment labeled OLD, then select the Edit item option. 
  • Delete the text OLD that was added previously and click OK. 
  • QuickBooks Desktop will display a prompt asking you to merge the items. 
  • Click Yes to confirm this action. 

A/P or A/R detail line must have a vendor

Typically, users face this error when using QuickBooks Desktop for accounts receivable or payable while creating a paid-out in QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale. This error suggests that QuickBooks settings are incorrect. The following error messages may appear in this situation:

  • An error occurred while saving a General Journal transaction. QuickBooks displayed the following error message: A vendor is required for the A/P line detail.
  • An error happened when trying to save a General Journal transaction. QuickBooks displays the error message: The A/R line detail needs vendor.

You may attempt to resolve this issue in the following ways:

  • Begin by going to the home page of QuickBooks Point Of Sale. 
  • Then, choose the section titled Sales History. 
  • Choose the most recent receipt marked as Payout in the Receipt Type column
  • Next, select Reverse from the ‘I Want to…’ dropdown menu. 
  • Ultimately, generate the paid-out through an account not classified as accounts receivable or accounts payable.


This article covered QuickBooks Error 3180, detailing its reasons and how to fix it. If this error occurs, you can efficiently resolve it by following the steps outlined above. Should you require expert assistance with a solution, please contact QuickBooks Technical Support at 1 (844)-214-9614.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is QuickBooks error code 3180?

QuickBooks error code 3180 signifies an issue encountered while attempting to save an invoice or sales receipt. This error may arise if the “Most Common Sales Tax” field is not filled in the QuickBooks settings.

Q2. What impact does QuickBooks Error 3180 have on Point of Sale (POS) system integration?

QuickBooks Error 3180 can significantly affect the integration between QuickBooks and Point of Sale (POS) systems. This error typically arises when payment items or sales tax are incorrectly configured. For instance, if sales tax items aren’t correctly linked or payment methods are incorrectly set, this error may be triggered during POS transactions. 

Q3. What steps can I take to avoid Error 3180 in the future?

To avoid encountering QuickBooks error 3180 in the future, make sure that every sales tax item is linked to a tax agency: 

  • Navigate to QuickBooks Desktop, then select Lists followed by Item List.
  • Choose to Include Inactive.
  • Arrange the list according to the Type header.
  • Confirm that every sales tax item is linked to a tax agency.

Consider taking these additional steps to resolve QuickBooks errors: restart your computer, utilize the QuickBooks Tool Hub, run QuickBooks with administrator privileges, update QuickBooks, and use file utilities.

Q4. What is the effect of Error 3180 on tax filing in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks Error 3180 may hinder tax filing by disrupting sales tax items and payment records. This error complicates the accurate and timely filing of taxes.

Q5. How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 3180?

To resolve QuickBooks Error 3180, which frequently arises during the saving of sales transactions due to incorrect sales tax or payment item configuration, you should first review your sales tax settings, confirm that sales tax items are correctly linked, and check the payment methods for proper configuration, mainly if you’re using a Point of Sale (POS) system. If the problem continues, consider conducting a QuickBooks repair or contacting Intuit support for assistance.